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生物育苗股票代码 2025-03-16 08:38:43
招商局深圳股票代码 2025-03-16 08:36:18
为什么股票有人买才会涨 2025-03-16 08:29:04


发布时间: 2022-09-04 02:46:38

① 关于股票的英语段落 有点难

“在市场恐慌时再入市。”在英镑贬值几周后,我提出了这个看法:在最近季度极端刺激与思维风险像极了一个非常刺激的总统大选循环第三年。(总统就职期间是4年)诚然,现在看起来这个通常来讲都是很限制很保守的“第一年(规律)”似乎变成了一个巨型的“第三年效果”。在权威们没有表现出像今年一样悲观的情况下,市场在循环第三年通常典型地表现出高于平均指数12点的状态。当然概念上这种现象多少归于现有政府的大力支持。4月1日在苏黎世(你将会在4月1日得到你所失去的),在英镑贬值的影响下,我对Finanz und Wirtschaft说:“Der S&P 500 Index kann rasch auf 1100 steigen.”这句话的意思是,标准普尔500指数会迅速升到1100。我甚至记得我说这次移动将在1000至1100之间,但是记者(总是)不喜欢浪费(文章上的)地方。在几周后一封迟来的季度信件里。(季度信件应该指的是季度市场报告,通常由研究公司通过快递等送达订阅者手上,这句话没完,不过我估计就是他的预言成真了呗。)

思维风险:暂时这么翻译吧,moral hazard指的是有人因为个人的利益而作出违背一份契约本来目的的举动。比如说市场上的不正常风险规避举动以求暴利,又或者一位工伤保险投保人故意受伤以换取保金等。我找不到相对应的中文,就只好按照自己的理解翻译。


② 求股票走势的专业用语,用英语描述,有中文注解

③ 一段关于股票的英语短文,帮忙翻译一下。

华尔街股票这周表现温和,呈现出自1987年萧条以来最大的增长,进入了另一个转变的阶段,并以红字收盘。股票市场点位从上涨4%急转至下跌2.9%。s&p 500指数下降0.6个百分点,达到940.56点。纳斯达克指数下降0.4个百分点达到1,711.29点,道琼斯指数下降1.4个百分点达到8,852.22点。

s&p 500指数、纳斯达克指数、道琼斯指数是不同口径下的股票价价指数,股价指数是反映不同时点上股价变动情况的相对指标,通常是将报告期的股票价格与选定的基期价格相比,并将两者的比值乘以基期的指数值。

④ 英语股票投资对话

Q:Good morning!
A:Good morning.Can i help u?
Q:Yes,I’m holding some shares of PICC I want to know some present information about the company.
A: U know, last Monday,an earthquake broke.Chinese insurance firms have paid 1.7 million yuan in earthquake-related claims as of May 14. But,nobody knows what the total damages will be. This payment will drag down the companys’ earnings indeed.
As a result,these companys’stock may go down as investers expected in short term.
Q: U mean I should sell the shares I hold?
A: In my opinion,if U want to invest in long term.U can wait to see.
China Life Insurance Co. and Ping An, the nation's biggest insurers, have yet to extend their reach across China, where only 4 percent of the nation's 1.3 billion people have insurance, according to data compiled by KPMG International. The insurance penetration in China is generally very low.
Since the snowstorm disasters and the earthquake, Chinese people are becoming more aware of insurance. It's favorable for Chinese insurance's long-term development.
If U want to gain the long-term profit, U can just hold on.
Q:The earthquake make so huge damage, will it destroy the macro economic then ?
Sichuan is a big province in terms of population and agriculture output but its share in China's total instrial and manufacturing output is relatively small.
Thus,though the quake is an enormous human tragedy, its impact on China's economic growth to be temporary and limited. Probably the largest macro impact is raising the upside risks to China inflation outlook in the near term.The government may make a series of measures to rece the inflation, which may affect finance market a lot.
Q: What about the non-ferrous metal plate?
Investors bet that China's power shortages could be aggravated by damage to dams and the grid by the recent earthquake, leading to lower supplies.Aluminium prices rose back above the key $3,000-a-tonne level last Friday

⑤ 请教关于股票的英语! important!!!

I bought into 100 shares

⑥ 速求一篇关于股票方面的英语小对话,越简单越好,一般对话控制在1分钟就可以了,要AB 2个人分角色的。

A:Thanks for coming over. I'm sorry I couldn't get to your office on time.
B:That's all right. It's not unusual for a stockier(证券经纪人) to keep these hours. And besides, you're an old friend.
A:So, as I was saying. I think this might be a good time for me to invest in that computer company. As my stockbroker(股票经纪人), what do you think?
B:I think they're doing extremely well. And they would probably welcome your investment.
A:If they're doing so well, why do they need my investment?
B:All right. Let me explain a little about corporate finance.
A:Go ahead. When it concerns my money, I'm very interested.
B;First of all, corporate enterprises(合资公司), need financing, especially if they want to expand. Now, there are two basic types of financing.
A:And what are they.
B:Equity(入股) and debt(举债).
A:What's the difference?
B:The use of money supplied by the owners of a business is called equity funding(入股融资), and the use of money supplied by loans is called debt funding(举债融资).
A:So what am I, as an investor?
B:Well, you become a partial owner of the company and receive equity. You get shares of common stock to represent your portion of ownership.
A: That's where you come in(那是你的目的所在), right? Buying the stock for me.
B:Right. By the way, I bought a of the company's Annual Report over for you to look over. You should read it very carefully. Ask me if you have any questions about anything in it.
A:Thanks. I will Say(哎), does this company pay dividends(分红利) on its stock?
B:Yes. As a matter of fact, I've looked into this organization very carefully. I can report that they have good management, their business is doing quite well and the value of their stock has been rising. I consider this to be an excellent long-term investment, as far as I'm concern.
A:But suppose I want to sell my shares soon?
B:No problem. You would no doubt make a profit on the sale. But I think you might want to keep this company in you portfolio(证券类投资项目).
A:I must say that you've always given me good advice.
B:Well, my advice now is to study the company's Annual Report. You need several days to do that. Then we'll talk some more.

⑦ 求懂股票的英语达人翻译

两个短语:cooking the books:做假账
nose dive:急剧下降,或一落千丈
self-imposed:自愿接受的, 自愿承担的


⑧ 钱,银行,互联网,广告,股票的英语对话

Q:Good morning!
A:Good morning.Can i help u?
Q:Yes,I’m holding some shares of PICC I want to know some present information about the company.
A: U know, last Monday,an earthquake broke.Chinese insurance firms have paid 1.7 million yuan in earthquake-related claims as of May 14. But,nobody knows what the total damages will be. This payment will drag down the companys’ earnings indeed.
As a result,these companys’stock may go down as investers expected in short term.
Q: U mean I should sell the shares I hold?
A: In my opinion,if U want to invest in long term.U can wait to see.
China Life Insurance Co. and Ping An, the nation's biggest insurers, have yet to extend their reach across China, where only 4 percent of the nation's 1.3 billion people have insurance, according to data compiled by KPMG International. The insurance penetration in China is generally very low.
Since the snowstorm disasters and the earthquake, Chinese people are becoming more aware of insurance. It's favorable for Chinese insurance's long-term development.
If U want to gain the long-term profit, U can just hold on.
Q:The earthquake make so huge damage, will it destroy the macro economic then ?
Sichuan is a big province in terms of population and agriculture output but its share in China's total instrial and manufacturing output is relatively small.
Thus,though the quake is an enormous human tragedy, its impact on China's economic growth to be temporary and limited. Probably the largest macro impact is raising the upside risks to China inflation outlook in the near term.The government may make a series of measures to rece the inflation, which may affect finance market a lot.
Q: What about the non-ferrous metal plate?
Investors bet that China's power shortages could be aggravated by damage to dams and the grid by the recent earthquake, leading to lower supplies.Aluminium prices rose back above the key $3,000-a-tonne level last Friday

⑨ 求关于股票的2人英语对话

buy 直接买入

⑩ 有关股票的英语句子

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.

