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忽見陌頭 2024-10-05 01:07:07
航天彩虹股票的價格 2024-10-05 00:58:53
股票漲停時能不能買 2024-10-05 00:36:22


發布時間: 2021-05-17 05:40:55

⑴ 澳洲航空虧損近100億,對此澳洲航空採取了哪些應對措施

由於全球COVID-19疫情的蔓延,澳大利亞宣布從今年3月開始對所有國際訪客實行入境禁令,據了解,只有澳大利亞的公民、永久的居民及這兩類人的近親屬才可以入境,同時澳大利亞公民也不準出境。而由於現在全球范圍內的疫情仍然十分嚴峻,澳大利亞總理莫里森Scott John Morrison近期於8月表示,未來在至少“若干月”內,澳大利亞還會實施這種關閉邊境的措施。這也就意味著,澳大利亞很可能要到2021年才能開放邊境,這個措施對於澳大利亞國民航業簡直可以說是“晴天霹靂”。


⑵ 《悉尼故事》txt全集下載



⑶ 請大家幫幫忙哈,謝謝

To give some examples of such partial privatisation:3
When British and New Zealand governments sold public enterprises to private buyers in the 1980s and 』90s, they often retained golden or kiwi shares as a way of retaining some policy control (Graham & Prosser 1988). In the Australian case, when Qantas was sold in 1993, the enabling legislation imposed conditions on the resulting private enterprise (notably prescribing limits on non-Australian shareholdings), and the government was still heavily involved when it came near to breaching those conditions.
當英國和紐西蘭的政府在八十與九十年代將公營企業賣給個體買主時,他們通常都會保留一些黃金股或幾維股(註:即擁有投票權的股票)作為保留一些政策控制權的方法(Graham和Prosser 1988)。在澳洲的案例中,當澳洲航空公司於1993年被售賣時,有關的賦權法例向最終獲得購買權的民營企業施加許多條件(特別是限制非澳洲人的股權比例),而當這些條件幾乎被推翻時,政府還是深涉其中。

In many countries (eg India: Maheshwari 2001: 206-209; Vietnam: Nguyen Van Huy & Tran Van Nghia 1996: 57-58; Singapore: Thynne & Ariff 1987: 117-124), some shares in public enterprises have been sold as a way of attracting additional capital, motivating staff, etc, with no intention of the government abandoning its majority-shareholder controlling position.
Adopting the newly popular symbolism of privatisation, the Japanese National Railways was said to have been privatised in the later 1980s (Nakamura 1995: 44-48). It was certainly 「disaggregated」, being divided into seven distinct operating companies, but the government retained all shares (though graal disposal of some shares was contemplated).
有許多國家出讓公營企業的部分股份只是為了吸引額外資本、激勵員工等等原因,政府根本不想放棄其控股的地位(例子:印度:Maheshwari 2001: 206-209;越南:阮范伊和陳范義1996: 57-58;新加坡:Thynne和Ariff 1987: 117-124)。
1980年代的下旬,日本國營鐵路採用了私有化新流行的象徵手法(中村1995: 44-48)。鐵路公司確實是『分解』了,被分為七個截然不同的運營公司,但政府還是保留所有的股權(盡管曾考慮逐漸出讓一些股份)。

Similarly adopting that symbolism, Taiwan』s statutory language insists that an enterprise becomes private if the government shareholding drops below 50 percent, but the government remains virtually as influential in its running as before (see esp. Pu 2005: 167). Saudi Arabia 「privatised」 its ports, but they remained in government ownership, the simple change being to let management contracts for the running of particular ports or wharves (Al-Homeadan 2001).
台灣採用相同的象徵手法,在其制定法解釋語言里堅持:當政府在某個企業的股權低於50%時,該企業將變為民營企業,但實際上政府政府還是保留在運營中的影響力(參閱Pu 2005: 167)。沙烏地阿拉伯將它的港口『私有化』,但所有權還是屬於政府的,只是簡單地將港口或碼頭的運營通過管理合同發包出去(Al-Homeadan 2001)。

The Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 122
亞太公共行政雜志 122


⑷ 澳洲航空虧損近100億,澳洲航空還能撐下去嗎
