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股票業績報表從哪看 2025-01-16 20:04:05


發布時間: 2024-03-21 11:50:37

① 通用汽車的市值是多少

和訊消息 據美國全國廣播公司財經頻道(CNBC)6月28日報道,華爾街知名投行高盛(Goldman Sachs)日前下調通用汽車公司(General Motors Corp.)投資評級,建議投資者拋售通用汽車股票之後,該公司股價應聲大跌。截至美國當地時間星期五(27日)紐約證交所收盤時為止,通用汽車市值已經縮水至70億美元以下,僅為化妝品公司雅芳(Avon)的一半。這也讓這家美國汽車巨頭無地自容。

由於分析師持續猜測,受美元貶值、原材料漲價以及市場疲軟等多重打壓,美國汽車製造商前景堪憂,紐約時間星期五,通用汽車股價暴跌近11個百分點,收於逾33年最低點。與此同時,福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Co.)股價也大幅下瀉,跌至52周新低。

星期五通用汽車股價下挫1.38美元,收於每股11.43美元,跌幅10.8%。當天交易中通用汽車股價並曾一度下瀉至每股11.21美元。根據美國芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)股價研究中心 (Center for Research in Security Prices)提供的數據資料,這一價格與該公司1974年12月30日的價格水平相當。這也意味著這家全球最大汽車製造商的股票市值已經跌至70億美元以下。

高盛在一份研究報告中稱,市場狀況繼續惡化,「加大了對流動性的擔憂。我們認為通用汽車的汽車業務現金流將在08年枯竭,下一步很可能導致該公司尋求籌資。我們認為此舉可能導致該公司股權稀釋並且/或者下調公司股息。」 高盛同時將通用汽車股票的6個月目標價,從16美元下調至11美元,並將該公司股票投資評級從「中性」下調為「賣出」。



目前通用汽車的市值與全美最大報稅公司H&;R Block以及全球最大玩具製造商美泰公司(Mattel)相當。然而,更讓通用汽車感到羞辱的是,目前該公司市值僅僅相當於化妝品公司雅芳的一半;遊船運營商Carnival Cruiselines的三分之一;互聯網先驅雅虎公司(Yahoo!)的四分之一;在線購物網站易趣(Ebay)的五分之一;美國大型家居連鎖店家得寶公司(Home Depot Inc.)的六分之一;美國生化科技公司安進公司 (Amgen『s)的七分之一;美國最大連鎖葯店CVS Caremark公司的八分之一;以及麥當勞的(McDonald『s)的九分之一。與此同時,通用汽車的市值規模僅僅相當於世界第一大石油公司埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp)的六十六分之一。

事實上,過去數月以來,為了籌集現金以尋求回復盈利能力,美國汽車製造商紛紛出售高端品牌,其中包括捷豹(Jaguar)以及阿斯頓-馬丁(Aston Martin)等。福特汽車於6月23日宣布,該公司將於今年下半年將皮卡和運動型多功能車(SUV)的產量削減17萬輛,並推出更多促銷措施以清理過高的庫存,同時還削減今明兩年的利潤預期。福特發布預警稱,今年該公司的汽車業績可能將不及2007年,由於美國銷售暴跌,甚至於直至明年,該公司達成收支平衡都將非常困難。

② 嘉年華是什麼概念




英語 Carnival 的最初譯名是「狂歡節」,Carnival 的發音,很難恰如其分地用漢語表達,所以使用了「狂歡節」這個意譯,比較直觀好理解。後來狂歡節傳到香港,香港人將它改譯為「嘉年華」。這個譯名,是懂外文又深諳中文的知識分子的傑作,有兼顧音和義的雙關之妙,遺憾的是,它不能確切表達Carnival 的狂歡之義。「嘉年華」無論聽起來或看起來都顯得優雅文氣,與Carnival 的熱烈、狂放氣氛不符。事實也如此,在香港長期舉行下來的 Carnival ,業已變得比較文雅溫和,與巴西式狂歡的Carnival 殊途異趣、大不相同了。




Paul Winter Carnival, Carnival Venice, Jamaica Carnival。







③ 組成FTSE100的公司









④ 有沒有關於中國股市的英文文章或者網站。。。。。。好著急啊


⑤ 誰知道有關英國諾丁山狂歡節nottinghill carnival的東西

Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event which takes place in Notting Hill, London, England each August, over three days (a weekend and a bank holiday). It is led by members of the Caribbean population, many of whom have lived in the area since the 1950s. The carnival attracts up to 1.5 million people, making it the largest street festival in Europe.


Carnival kicks off on Saturday with the Panorama, a competition between steelpan bands mainly from London but more recently including some bands from other areas of the UK. Sunday is Children's Day, with a shorter Carnival route for children and young people. The main parade then takes place on Monday.

The current route for the main parade covers around 3 miles, following Great Western Road, Chepstow Road, Westbourne Grove and Ladbroke Grove. In addition to trucks with pan bands or mobile sound systems, there are costumed masqueraders and around 40 static sound systems spread throughout the area playing a range of music at high volume. While the "traditional" Soca and some Calypso can still be found, many other musical styles are represented.


The Carnival began in January 1959 in St Pancras Town Hall as a response to the depressing state of race relations at the time; the UK's first widespread racial attacks had occurred the previous year. It was a huge success, despite being held indoors.

It first moved outside and shifted into August in 1965. The prime mover was Rhaune Laslett, who wasn't even aware of the indoor events when she first raised the idea. At this point, it was more a Notting Hill event than an Afro-Caribbean event, and only around a thousand people turned out.
Girl in Costume.
Girl in Costume.

By 1976 the event had become definitely Caribbean in flavour, with around 150,000 people attending. However, in that year and several subsequent years the carnival was marred by riots, in which predominantly Caribbean youths fought with police — a target e to the continuous harassment the population felt they were under (see article on the 1976 riots in External links, below). During this period, there was considerable coverage of the disorder in the press, which some felt took an unfairly negative and one-sided view of the Carnival. For a while it looked as if the carnival would be banned. Prince Charles was one of the few establishment figures who supported the event.

In recent years, the event has been much freer from serious trouble and is generally viewed very positively as a dynamic celebration of London's multi-cultural diversity, though dominated by the Caribbean culture in the best traditions of Rio. However, there has been controversy over the public safety aspects of holding such a well-attended event in narrow streets in a small area of London. The capital's authorities have sought to spread the load by making use of nearby Hyde Park.

In 2003 the Carnival was run by a limited company, the Notting Hill Carnival Trust Ltd. A report by the London Development Agency on the 2002 Carnival estimated that the event contributes around £93 million to the London and UK economy.

In 2005, entrantants from Notting Hill Carnival participated in the Bridgwater, Somerset carnival - Europe's largest lighted carnival and part of the West Country Carnival circuit.

Attendance Figures
2005 - 750,000
2004 - 750,000
2003 - 600,000
2002 - 1,400,000
2001 - 1,250,000
2000 - 1,500,000
1999 - 1,400,000
1998 - 1,150,000
1997 - 1,300,000
1996 - 1,000,000

⑥ FTSE 100漲勢最好的行業有哪些

FTSE 100指數由世界級的指數計算金融機構FTSE(富時指數有限公司)所編制,自1984年起,特別挑選在倫敦證券交易所交易的100種股票,其成分股涵蓋歐陸9個主要國家,以英國企業為主,其他國家包括德國、法國、義大利、芬蘭、瑞士、瑞典、荷蘭及西班牙。為世界投資人歡迎的金融商品之一,和法國的CAC-40指數,德國的法蘭克福指數並稱為歐洲三大股票指數,是當前全球投資人觀察歐股動向最重要的指標之一。
現在,FTSE 100漲勢最好的行業有哪些?我不知道,你可以查他的FTSE 100成份股組合。可以看雅虎財經網站。http://hk.finance.yahoo.com/q/cp?s=%5EFTSE
比如,現在漲勢最好的是:(AAL.L)這個企業就是:英美資源集團(Anglo-American Plc.),(AAL.L)是他的簡稱。

查了成份股的資料大概如下 :
List of FTSE 100 companies

This reflects the quarterly reshuffle enacted on 24 September 2007.

There are 100 companies in the index, but a total of 102 listings as two classes of shares are included for Royal Dutch Shell and Schroders.

1. 3i
2. Alliance & Leicester
3. Anglo American
4. Antofagasta
5. Associated British Foods
6. AstraZeneca
7. Aviva
8. BAE Systems
9. BG Group
10. BHP Billiton
11. BP
12. BT Group
13. Barclays Bank
14. Barratt Developments
15. British Airways
16. British American Tobacco
17. British Energy Group
18. British Land Company
19. British Sky Broadcasting Group
20. Cable & Wireless
21. Cadbury Schweppes
22. Capita Group
23. Carnival
24. Carphone Warehouse
25. Centrica
26. Compass Group
27. DSG International
28. Daily Mail and General Trust
29. Diageo
30. Enterprise Inns
31. Experian
32. Friends Provident
33. GlaxoSmithKline
34. HBOS
35. HSBC
36. Hammerson
37. Home Retail Group
38. ICAP
39. ITV
40. Imperial Chemical Instries
41. Imperial Tobacco
42. InterContinental Hotels Group
43. International Power
45. Johnson Matthey
46. Kazakhmys
47. Kingfisher
48. Land Securities Group
49. Legal & General
50. Liberty International
51. Lloyds TSB
52. Lonmin
53. Man Group
54. Marks & Spencer
55. Mitchells & Butlers
56. Wm Morrison Supermarkets
57. National Grid
58. Next
59. Northern Rock
60. Old Mutual
61. Pearson
62. Persimmon
63. Prudential
64. Punch Taverns
65. Reckitt Benckiser
66. Reed Elsevier
67. Rentokil Initial
68. Resolution
69. Reuters Group
70. Rexam
71. Rio Tinto Group
72. Rolls-Royce Group
73. Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance
74. Royal Bank of Scotland Group
75. Royal Dutch Shell
76. SABMiller
77. Sage Group
78. J Sainsbury
79. Schroders
80. Scottish & Newcastle
81. Scottish & Southern Energy
82. Severn Trent
83. Shire Pharmaceuticals Group
84. Smith & Nephew
85. Smiths Group
86. Standard Chartered Bank
87. Standard Life
88. Tate & Lyle
89. Taylor Wimpey
90. Tesco
91. Tullow Oil
92. Unilever
93. United Utilities
94. Vedanta Resources
95. Vodafone
96. WPP Group
97. Whitbread
98. Wolseley
99. Xstrata
100. Yell Group