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股票軟體免費哪個好 2025-03-16 23:37:58
股票借給證券公司 2025-03-16 23:20:24


發布時間: 2024-11-10 12:47:39

⑴ 馬雲言的英語演講雙語版

The following is the Ma at Stanford University speech: Ma : Hello everyone . Today I feel very honored to be here to meet you . About a few months ago , Stanford invited me to lecture . I did not expect . Many people say that because of all about Yahoo , Alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive . But since I made a promise that I came. Today, if you have any questions to ask me, I will be qestions.
以下為馬雲在斯坦福大學演講全文: 馬雲:大家好。我今天感到非常榮幸能來到這里和大家見面。大約幾個月前,斯坦福邀請我來演講。我沒有意料到。很多人說因為所有關於雅虎,阿里巴巴,和許多其他的新聞,這個時間點來這里演講是非常的敏感。但是既然我做了一個承諾,我還是來了。今天如果你有任何問題要問我,我都會一一回答。
I came to the United States today is the first 15 days , and I intend to stay here for a year . No one knows this plan . Even my company do not know. You asked me why I came here . To intend to do to prepare for the acquisition of Yahoo ? No, we are too sensitive. I came here because I'm tired. Over the past 16 years was too tired . In 1994 I created my career, discovered the Internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job . At that time I felt like a Mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive . Work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of Ali Baba .
今天是我來美國的第 15 天, 而且我打算在這里待上一年。 這個計 劃沒有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家問我為什麼要來這里。 要打算作收購雅虎的准備嗎?不,大家都太敏感了。我來這里是因為 我累了。過去 16 年來太累了。我在 1994 年開創我的事業,發現了互 聯網,並為之瘋狂,然後放棄了我的教師工作。那時候我覺得自己就 像是蒙了眼睛騎在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奮斗著、生 存著。在政府機關工作了 16 個月之後,1999 年建立了阿里巴巴。
We are also fortunate to have a Taobao , Alipay , Ali clouds and other companies under the Group . Therefore , the establishment of Ali Baba 12 years later , I decided to rest for some time. In particular, this year's challenge is too difficult , and this is what I did not expect to . Chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year . Alibaba in China this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the resignation of chief executive officer , as well as the VIE issue , although I still do not know now what is the VIE , as well as the company's Taobao split into four decisions. So busy after all these things I'm tired . I told myself , why not spend a year rest.
我們還幸運地擁有著淘bao網,支付寶,阿里雲和集團下其他的公 司。 所以, 建立阿里巴巴 12 年後的今天, 我決定需要休息一段時間。 尤其今年的挑戰實在是太艱辛了,這也是我沒有意料到的。中國人說 每 12 年是一個本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中國剛好是第 12 年,也遇上 了許多棘手的問題, 好比今年初因為供應商欺詐事件導致首席執行官 辭職,還有 VIE 的問題,雖然我到現在仍然不知道什麼是 VIE,以及 把淘bao分成四個公司的決策。所以,忙完所有這些事情之後我累了。 我告訴自己,為什麼不花個一年好好休息。
In particular, next year is my personal year, which would surely be more difficult this year . I want to spend a little more time to properly prepare to meet next year more difficult and more difficult challenge . I need a good rest in order for the 3-4 years after the challenge to prepare. This year if things went wrong, we can criticize Taobao , Alibaba CEO or Ali cloud . But after three years , if things went wrong, and that is myfault. So I'm going to spend some time in the United States ponder and relax. Two days ago, I started practicing again from golf to relax . Therefore, the purpose of coming to the U.S. is really not so complicated is that we speculate .
尤其明年是我個人的本命 年,肯定會比今年更辛苦。 我想要花多一點時間好好准備,迎接明 年更艱苦更困難的挑戰。 我需要好好休息才能為 3 到 4 年後的挑戰做 好准備。這三年如果事情出了錯,大家可以批評淘bao,阿里巴巴或阿里雲。但是三年後,如果事情出了錯,那就是我的錯。 所以我准備在美國花上一段時間好好思考和放鬆。前兩天,我開始再 次練習起高爾夫球,好好放鬆。所以,來美國的目的真的不像是大家 揣測的這么復雜。