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发布时间: 2021-05-18 20:42:13

1. 应山的友好城市

广水市市长周静与宁国市市长牛传勇代表两地签订了 《友好城市协议书》,并互赠了礼品。双方表示,此次友好城市的缔结,标志着两市友谊、合作、交流、发展将迈入一个新阶段,必将为两市经济腾飞和社会进步注入新的活力。

2. 帮忙翻译下这个短文,谢谢啦

Mayor visit rate of south Korean team to guide the work on the morning of September 21, the mayor of south Korean, NiuChuanYong, director of the city development zone management committee, municipal government secretary-general Tang Youwen etc to come to my company on-the-spot investigation, detailed understanding of the enterprise construction, proction, management, and so on and so forth. Korea's mayor pointed out that, to the development of an enterprise must widen our sight and improve vision, both based on current and their own, take a long view and surrounding. Hi-tech instry, why can be high, because of good quality, the difficulty is big, why can the new, because the new technology, develop fast. Cemented carbide instry is developing rapidly in recent years, but in contrast, is very strict with quality, stable quality, only to guarantee the smooth development. For enterprise external support can only play an auxiliary role, the main or want to rely on their own, on its own technical level, on its own economic decisions. Korea made gentile mayor by nearly three years of development, has obtained the considerable scientific and technological achievements and economic benefits. Hope to be able to continue to maintain steady and rapid development momentum, the road to promote the economic development of xuancheng.